
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Easy Ways to Cure Anxiety.

Ubqari Magazine - September 2014

In this regard the mental health experts suggest that in order to stay safe from anxiety every person should be used to mental and physical exercise. And to mix up quickly with people. In order to keep oneself busy, get used to reading, entertainment and exercise.

Arooba Naveed

Anxiety, is the name of a mental and a psychological state due to which a lot of people amongst are affected. This illness is popular in the whole world. According to one ideology this is a type of depression. Only a few of its symptoms are different. Mental health experts say that the reasons behind this are the surrounding environment of a person and his mental ability. This can happen in any part of the life. Meaning that from the beginning of the life to 60 70 years of age.

According to experts those children who do not get a suitable environment in the house, or those who have suffered from any type of fear. They suffer more from anxiety. Often parents keep their children fearful. This is a wrong attitude. Doing this not only makes the child suffer from inferiority complex, rather this fear weakens his personality for the rest of his life. And slowly this becomes a part of his personality. And whenever he has a problem in life, this illness becomes severe.

Symptoms: In case of anxiety a patient remains confused. He feels restlessness and panicked. Heart beat can become very fast. And the complexion also becomes pale. An unknown fear and worries surround the patient. Often due to anxiety heaviness feels in the head. Limbs become cold. A feeling of nausea, stress in the muscles and shoulders, and acidity, anger in attitude, irritability.

Other than that the patient indulges in negative thinking and becomes a victim of a sense of sin. The surrounding environment and people appear strangers to him. So much so that the patient tries to run away from his house. Normal noise appears bad to him. And he starts considering himself worthless and useless. He does not like work. And often gets scared while sleeping. He feels fear from rainy , dark and closed rooms and environments. The patient becomes more emotional as opposed to being wise. Normally a sensitive person faces anxiety upon appearing for an interview, traveling by plane, or upon any unprecedented success, or upon meeting a dignitary. Such children whose parents are disputed, who live alone, too much love by the parents or to ignore the child altogether, to stop from meeting their age fellows, or to prohibit the children from mixing up with people, they become victims of anxiety.

Circumstances of Redemption From Anxiety

There are two ways to get rid of this illness. One is clinical cure in which the patient heals by using various medicines. The other cure is to use psychological treatment such as psychotherapy. In this method the patient is treated for conscious or unconscious fears and sense of deprivation, his negative thinking is converted to positive ideas. Other than that, the patient is told to do very sevre exercises.

Reading, Entertainment and Exercice

In this regard the mental health experts suggest that in order to stay safe from anxiety every person should be used to mental and physical exercise. And to mix up quickly with people. In order to keep oneself busy, get used to reading, entertainment and exercise. Make a lot of friends so that in any problem he can act upon the suggestions of people and come out of them.

Fresh and Mentally Calm

The other important thing is that while spending time with friends you will not feel alone or lonely. Like this in staying fresh all the time you will also have the help of your friends. And you will also remain mentally satisfied and calm too.

Mental Harmony With Mutual Conversations

Treating you family members with a good attitude, to talk with each other you can develop a better mental harmony. Treating family members with love and friendly attitude the distances can be reduced and it would give a chance to understand each other well. Like this ill feelings will remove the heart and the atmosphere of the house would also become pleasant. Doing this will leave the patient forever. And the patient will become perpetually healthy.

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